The following graphics visualize the results of the online survey to date. By clicking on the participant groups you can customize the view.
This representation is interactive, i.e. you can display the results filtered for specific participant groups. By clicking on the corresponding circle on the left side of the display, the group is selected. This means that the results are only displayed for this group, but the participant overview also adjusts to the proportions of the respective group.
By selecting another circle or group, the representation is further refined so that the answers are displayed that are valid for both selected groups.
By clicking on the enclosing circles, the selection is cancelled again.
For example, you can selectively display the views of other industry representatives, managing directors in very small companies, or engineers in large companies. The filter options can be combined in any way and allow for a multi-layered interpretation.
Here you can take part in the survey to capture your perspective as well.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form.